Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Martin Luther King Jr. My Icon, Mentor, and...

From long ago, I can recollect that Martin Luther King Jr. is an icon to me, as well as a mentor and a model. I also feel that he is an inspiration and a true leader because of the efforts he made to help African Americans obtain their civil rights in the United States. With Dr. King’s influence on me, at the age of 12 and 13, I had performed Martin Luther King speeches, winning 1st place two years in a row at my middle school. Accomplishments that Martin Luther King Jr. has achieved brought a new perspective to the minds of other individuals and set himself apart from many other activist leaders, and establishing himself as one of the greatest and most influential speakers in U.S. history. Dr. King spoke on a lot during his time, making†¦show more content†¦From that point, he stated that doubts began to spring forth unrelentingly. (Wikipedia, MLK Jr.) King grew up in Atlanta and attended Booker T. Washington high school. He had skipped both the 9th and 12th grade an d entered Morehouse College at 15 years of age with no high school diploma. He then graduated from Morehouse with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology. He also enrolled in Crozer Theological seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he graduated with a bachelor of divinity degree in 1951. King advanced and started his doctoral studies in systematic theology at Boston University. On June 5th, 1955, he obtained his doctorate of philosophy. Proceeding to the future of Dr. King’s family affairs, he married Coretta Scott on June 5th, 1953. Dr. King and Scott had four children. Dr. King was such an inspirational and influential leader during his time that he became a pastor in Montgomery, Alabama in 1954 at 25 years of age. As inspirational and influential as he was, Dr King was inspired by many leaders and activists during his time. One of them was a theologian and civil rights leader named Howard Thurman. Thurman was a classmate of Dr. King’s father at Morehouse College. Thurman had mentored Dr. King for a good amount of time, educating him to realistic and logical principles. Another individual who weighed a lot on Dr. King was Mahatma Ghandi. Dr. King wasShow MoreRelatedRosa Parks Speech1283 Words   |  6 Pages(Schmitz). Through the NAACP, Rosa Parks attended NAACP events in Jacksonville, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C. where she received leadership training legendary organizer Ella Baker, the NAACP’s Director of Branches (Schmitz). Ms. Baker became a role model and mentor to her, and encouraged her to create an NAACP Youth Council in Montgomery (Schmitz). She did, engaging teens to directly challenge segregation in the libraries and write letters to elected officials (Schmitz). 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