Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Career as a Chartered Accountant - 1362 Words

Describe the Job/Career The normal title for the job that I chose is a â€Å"Chartered Accountant†. The job of a chartered accountant is to provide accounting and business advice to companies and individuals. Chartered accountant may also provide information to clients on tax planning, personal financial planning, corporate finance, and information technology (Job Description). The major skills required for a chartered accountant are communications skills, computer skills, and listening skills. A chartered accountant needs communication skills, as they need to talk with their clients, and need to be able to effectively tell the client the advice they are giving. A chartered accountant needs to have computer skills, as they are constantly†¦show more content†¦The hazards in an office include poor lighting, noise and poorly designed equipment. Also, they need to be careful, so that they have ergonomically built chairs and other furniture. The nature of the work, meaning using computers, can ca use pains in the neck, back, eyestrain, and a feeling of irritability (Office Safety). Chartered accountants get many benefits. For example, they get holiday allowance, personal-accident insurance, life insurance, maternity and paternity leave, annual travel insurance, and dental insurance (Accountancy Salaries and Benefits for Graduates). There is a professional organization that chartered accountants can be a part of. This is the CICA or the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, who represent the chartered accountant profession nationally and internationally (About the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants [CICA]). Future Trends One trend that will emerge in the future is that there will be more people wanting to go into this field of business. According to the website â€Å"SimplyHired†, since May 2013 there has been an increase in the number of jobs in this field of 166%. This shows that many people want to work for this job in the future (Chartered Accountant Job Trends). Another trend for the accounting profession will be that accountants will be able to cross borders and work with more clients, because of technologyShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Three Main Accounting Professions1023 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent. I will discuss all of these details in my report. I’ll start off talking about the roles and duties of these three accounting professions. A Chartered Accountant’s role or purpose is â€Å"providing professional advice, aiming to maximise profitability on behalf of their client or employer and undertaking financial audits†1. A Chartered Accountant has many things to do for a living. 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Therefore, in that competitive position, with most students who are majoring in this area, achieving a qualification from a particular professional body is generally considers as their first aim to the colossal success of career in accountancy. By being qualified, students might be recognised and obtained more global opportunities in business career in such a competitive accountingRead MoreCertified Public Accountant ( Cpa )769 Words   |  4 PagesCertified Public Accountant (CPA) certification is the most important certification, and the highest professional designation for accountants in the United States. This certification allows accountants to prove their profound expertise a nd knowledge in accounting field upon successful competition of a set of requirements and ultimately certifying them as qualified accountants. Among other distinguished certificates available to professional accountants that would be just as beneficial for their accountingRead MoreWhy Should You Choose Accountancy1408 Words   |  6 PagesCAREER GUIDANCE: ACCOUNTANCY By: CARLITO G. GABRIEL, JR., CPA [Seven years ago, I was then a part of a career guidance like this. During that time I was not yet sure of what course to pursue in college. The career guidance was a great help in my decision to pursue BS – Accountancy. Maybe, most of you are not decided yet. Believe me this career guidance will help you. Let us thank Sir Edgar for this great opportunity. [Before we proceed, how many of you are planning to pursue accountancy?] MentionRead MoreThe Role Of Accounting And Possible Future Of Accountancy Profession992 Words   |  4 Pagesprofessionals, and it is one in all careers having high demand (Hood, 2014). Nevertheless, the business practices and the environment have continuously changed and reshaped aspects of the accountancy profession (Wolters Kluwer, 2014). Some critics argued that services relating to accounting will be inevitably replaced by technology (Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, 2015). Conversely, others believe that this career will still exist; however, the role of accountants will be altered along withRead MoreThe Role of Auditors in a Firm994 Words   |  4 PagesAudit is determined by a formal examination of a firm’s financial records, inspection of its accounts and other related documents by accountants called auditors. Basically, auditing is a controlled process which includes professional judgment and requires applying of analytical skills. Also, it involves appropriate forms of expertise and its approaching. A team with professional skills perform this task according to the relevant standards, for instance, International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Report On Gleevec ( Imatinib Mesylate ) - 1126 Words

Gleevec (imatinib mesylate) Antineoplastic MW = 589.7 g/mol pKa = 5.5 Chemical Formula = C29H31N7O ââ€"  CH4SO3 IUPAC name: N-(4-methyl-3-{[4-(pyridine-3-yl) pyrimidin-2-yl]amino}phenyl)-4-((4-methylpiperazin-1-yl) methyl]benzamide Description Imatinib mesylate is a protein tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor that exhibits high specificity and potency for ABL, c-kit, and PDGF receptors, which often harbor activating mutations and are typically mutually exclusive of each other and within specific cancer types.2 The compound has been approved as a targeted chemotherapy for Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic and acute myeloid leukemia (Ph+ CML and AML), Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) aberrancy-related myelodysplastic or myeloproliferative pathologies, kit+ expressing advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), and for FIP1L1-PDGFRÃŽ ± gene fusion expressing hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) or chronic eosinophilic leukemia (CEL).1 Imatinib is available in 100 mg and 400 mg tablets for case-dependent single agent or adjunct therapy1. Therapeutic doses range from 100 mg to 800 mg/day, depending on diagnosis, age, and hepatic function.1 The drug exhibits pH-dependent solubility in aqueous solutions (soluble at pH ≠¤ 5.5), varying solubility in polar protic solvents, and is immiscible in polar aprotic liquids.1 Mechanism of Action Imatinib is a competitive antagonist that exhibits specific activity for ABL, c-kit, and PDGFR

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Return Shadow Souls Chapter 43 Free Essays

Elena had a feeling she couldn’t quite describe. It wasn’t letdown. It was†¦let up. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 43 or any similar topic only for you Order Now For what seemed like most of her life she had been searching for Stefan. But now she had him back again, quite safe and clean (he’d had a long bath while she insisted on scrubbing him gently with all sorts of brushes and pumice stones, and then a shower, and then a rather cramped shower with her). His hair was drying into the silky soft dark shock – a little longer than he usually kept it – that she knew. He hadn’t had energy for frivolities like keeping his hair short and clean before. Elena understood that. And now†¦there were no guards or kitsune around to spy on them. There was nothing to keep them from each other. They had been playful in the shower, splashing each other, Elena always making sure to keep her feet on the no-slip guard and ready to try to support Stefan’s lanky weight. But they could not be playful now. The shower’s spray had been very helpful, too – at concealing the teardrops that kept flowing down Elena’s cheeks. She could – oh, dear heaven – count and feel each one of his ribs. He was just bones and skin, her beautiful Stefan, but his green eyes were alive, sparkling and dancing in his pale face. After they were dressed in nightclothes they simply sat on the bed for a little while. Sitting together, both breathing – Stefan had got into the habit from being around humans so much and, recently, from trying to eke out the small amount of nutrition he received – in synchronicity, and both feeling the other’s warm body beside them†¦it was almost too much. Then, almost tentatively, Stefan groped for Elena’s hand, and catching it, held it in both of his, turning it over wonderingly. Elena was swallowing and swallowing, trying to make a start in a conversation, felt herself practically radiating bliss. Oh, I never want anything more, she thought, although she knew that soon enough she would want to talk, and to hold, and to kiss, and to feed Stefan. But if someone had asked her if she would have accepted just this, sitting together, communicating by touch and love alone, she would have accepted it. Before she knew it, she was talking, words that came like bubbles out of molasses, only these were bubbles from her soul. â€Å"I thought that somehow I might lose this time. That I’d won so many times, and that this time something would teach me a lesson and you†¦wouldn’t make it.† Stefan was still wondering over her hand, bending industriously to kiss each separate finger. â€Å"You call ‘winning’ dying in pain and sunlight to save my worthless life – and my even more worthless brother’s?† â€Å"I call this a better kind of winning,† Elena admitted. â€Å"Any time we get to be together is winning. Any moment – even in that dungeon†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Stefan winced, but Elena had to finish her thought. â€Å"Even there, to look in your eyes, to touch your hand, to know that you were looking at me and touching me – and that you were happy – well, that’s winning, in my book.† Stefan lifted his eyes to hers. In the dim light, the green looked suddenly dark and mysterious. â€Å"And one more thing,† he whispered. â€Å"Because I am what I am†¦and because your crowning glory isn’t that glorious golden cloud of hair, but an aura that is†¦ineffable. Indescribable. Beyond any words†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena had thought they would sit and simply gaze at each other, drowning in each other’s eyes, but that wasn’t happening. Stefan’s expression had slipped and Elena realized how close to bloodlust – and to death – he still really was. Hurriedly, Elena pulled her damp hair to one side of her neck, and then she leaned back, knowing Stefan would catch her. He did this, but although Elena tilted her chin back, he tilted it down in his two hands to look at her. â€Å"Do you know how much I love you?† he asked. His entire face was masked now, enigmatic and strangely thrilling. â€Å"I don’t think you do,† he whispered. â€Å"I’ve watched and watched how you were willing to do anything, anything to save me†¦but I don’t think you know how much that love has been building up, Elena†¦.† Delicious shivers were going down Elena’s spine. â€Å"Then you’d better show me,† she whispered. â€Å"Or I might not believe that you mean it – â€Å" â€Å"I’ll show you what I mean,† Stefan whispered back. But when he bent down it was to kiss her softly. The feelings inside Elena – that this starving creature wanted to kiss her instead of going at once for her throat, reached a peak that she could not explain in thoughts or words, but only by drawing Stefan’s head so that his mouth rested on her neck. â€Å"Please,† she said. â€Å"Oh, Stefan, please.† Then she felt the quick sacrificial pains, and then Stefan was drinking her blood, and her mind, which had been fluttering around like a bird in a lighted room, now saw its nest and its mate and swooped up and up and up to at last reach unity with its best-beloved. After that there was no need for clumsy things like words. They communicated in thoughts as pure and clear as shimmering gems, and Elena rejoiced because all of Stefan’s mind was open to her, and none of it was walled off or dark and there were no boulders of secrets or chained and weeping children†¦ What! she heard Stefan exclaim voicelessly. A child in chains? A mountain-sized boulder? Who could have that in their mind – ? Stefan broke off, knowing the answer, even before Elena’s lightning-swift thought could tell him. Elena felt the clear green wave of his pity, spiced by the natural anger of a young man who has gone through the depths of hell, but untainted by the terrible black poison of hatred of brother for brother. When Elena had finished explaining all she knew about Damon’s mental processes, she said, And I don’t know what to do! I’ve done everything I could, Stefan, I’ve – I’ve even loved him. I gave him everything that wasn’t yours alone. But I don’t know if it’s made even the slightest difference. He called Matt â€Å"Matt† instead of Mutt, Stefan interrupted. Yes. I†¦noticed that. I’d kept asking him to, but it never seemed to matter. It mattered this way: you managed to change him. Not many people can. Elena wrapped him in a tight embrace, stopped, worried that it was too tight, and glanced at him. He smiled and shook his head. He was already looking like a person rather than a death camp survivor. You should keep using it, Stefan said voicelessly. Your influence over him is strongest. I will – without any artificial Wings, Elena promised. Then she worried that Stefan would think her too presumptuous – or too attached. But one look at Stefan was enough to assure her that she was doing the right thing. They clung to each other. It wasn’t as hard as Elena had imagined it would be – handing Stefan over to other humans to be bled. Stefan had a clean pair of pajamas on, and the first thing he said to all three donors was, â€Å"If you get frightened or change your mind, just say so. I can hear perfectly well, and I’m not in bloodlust. And anyway, I’ll probably sense it if you’re not enjoying it before you do, and I’ll stop. And finally – thank you – thank you all. I’ve decided to break my oath tonight because there’s still some little chance that if I slept I wouldn’t wake up tomorrow without you.† Bonnie was horrified and indignant and furious. â€Å"You mean you couldn’t sleep all that time because you were afraid to – to†¦?† â€Å"I did fall asleep from time to time, but thank fortune – thank God – I always woke up again. There were times when I didn’t dare move to conserve energy, but somehow Elena kept finding ways to come to me, and every single time she came, she brought me some kind of sustenance.† He gave Elena a look that sent her heart spinning out of her chest and high into the stratosphere. And then she set up a schedule, with Stefan being fed every hour on the hour, and then she and the others left the first volunteer, Bonnie, alone, so as to be more comfortable. It was the next morning. Damon had already been out to visit Leigh, the antiques-seller’s niece, who had seemed very glad to see him. And now he was back, to look with scorn at the slug-a-beds who were distributed all around the boardinghouse. That was when he saw the bouquet. It was heavily sealed down with wards – amulets to help get it through the dimensional gap. There was something powerful in there. Damon cocked his head to one side. Hmm†¦I wonder what? Dear Diary, I don’t know what to say. We’re home. Last night we each had a long bath†¦and I was half-disappointed, because my favorite long-handled back-scrubbing brush wasn’t there, and there was no star ball to make dreamy music for Stefan – and the water was LUKEWARM! And Stefan went to see if the water heater was turned on all the way and met Damon going to do the same thing! Only, they couldn’t because we’re home again. But I woke up a couple of hours ago for a few minutes to see the most beautiful sight in the world†¦a sunrise. Pale pink and eerie green in the east, with nighttime still full dark in the west. Then deeper rose in the sky, and the trees all wreathed in dew clouds. Then a shiny glory from the edge of the horizon and dark rose, cream, and even a green melon color in the sky, Finally, a line of fire and in an instant all the colors change. The line becomes an arc, the western sky is deepest deepest blue, and then up comes the sun bringing warmth and light and color to the green trees and the sky begins to become celestial blue – celestial just means heavenly, although somehow, I have a delicious shivery feeling when I say it. The sky becomes a gemlike, celestial, cerulean blue and the golden sun begins to pour energy, love, light, and every good thing onto the world. Who could not be happy to watch this while Stefan held her? We who are so lucky as to be born into the light – who see it every day and never think about it, we’re blessed. We could have been born shadow souls who live and die in crimson darkness, never even knowing that somewhere there is something better. How to cite The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 43, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Porter Five Forces Model free essay sample

Porter’s Five Forces Model: an overview Porter’s Five Forces Model: an overview Abstract Porter’s Five Forces Model is a structured framework for analyzing commerce and business establishment. It was formed by Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School between 1979 and the mid 1980’s. Porter developed the Five Forces model in opposition to the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, threats) analysis that was an industry standard for businesses to determine how they compared to other businesses in a certain market or if there was opportunity to expand into different markets. We will write a custom essay sample on Porter Five Forces Model or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Porter’s Five Forces Model: an overview Porter’s Five Forces Model is a structured framework for analyzing commerce and business establishment. It was formed by Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School between 1979 and the mid 1980’s. Porter developed the Five Forces model in opposition to the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, threats) analysis that was an industry standard for businesses to determine how they compared to other businesses in a certain market or if there was opportunity to expand into different markets. Porter’s original model identified five forces that could have potential impacts on any business’ activities in a market. The Porter forces included: the rivalry among competing sellers in the industry; the market attempts of companies in other industries to win customers over their own substitute products; the potential market entry of new competitors; the bargaining power and leverage exercisable by suppliers of inputs; and – the bargaining power and leverage exercisable by buyers of the product. The rivalry among competing sellers in the industry Rivalry among firms varies considerably between industries. It is influenced, for instance, by the number of competitors, market growth, fixed costs, switching costs, exit barriers and diversity of rivals. The higher the degree of rivalry in an industry, the lower the average return on investments. Concentration ratios are popular measures for gaining initial insights into the degree of rivalry in an industry. (Niedderhut-Bollman, Theuvsen, 2008) Wal-Mart is an example of a retailer who has successfully incorporated cost leadership as a core business model and has forced suppliers to operate accordingly. However, retailers such as Target with innovative and exclusive store brands have influenced Wal*Mart to differentiate their apparel store brand offerings with the George apparel brand. (Fratto, Jones, Cassill, 2006) The market attempts of companies in other industries to win customers over their own substitute product A threat of substitutes exists when price changes in other industries influence product demand in the industry being analyzed. Close substitutes generally restrict a firms ability to raise prices and thus limit profitability. Due to changing consumer behavior and tastes, substitute products have become a major threat for German breweries. Increasingly consumers are replacing beer with other beverages, such as wine and soft drinks, that better reflect their changing lifestyles and attitudes. The family-owned Karlsberg brewery focuses mainly on the growing threat of substitutes by introducing innovative mixed beers into the market, such as Mixery (beer plus cola), Radler (beer plus Sprite), and Desperados (Tequila-flavored beer). The potential market entry of new competitors The threat that new competitors may enter an industry depends on barriers to entry. When barriers to entry are low, excessive profits will quickly attract new competitors, and price competition will become more intense. (Niedderhut-Bollman, Theuvsen, 2008) The Internet allows smaller companies to seize and/or create a niche in a market that allows for it to seize a small advantage and potentially to set a new agenda for existing companies. In the Swedish retail banking industry, part of the success of the new entrants was associated with new products they offered and the bargaining power they represented for customers, i. e. the products of insurance companies and the convenience of retail stores. (Bostrom, Wilson, 2009) The bargaining power and leverage exercisable by suppliers of inputs Powerful suppliers can deliver raw materials at a high price to capture some of their customers profits. Suppliers are powerful when they can credibly threaten their customers with forward integration, are more concentrated  than their customers, sell differentiated products (instead of commodity products), provide important and difficult to replace inputs or when customers face high switching costs. (Niedderhut-Bollman, Theuvsen, 2008) The bargaining power and leverage exercisable by buyers of the product When buyers are powerful, they set prices and limit the supplying industrys profitability. Buyers are powerful when they are con centrated, possess credible backward integration options, purchase a significant portion of the suppliers output or can easily and cheaply switch to other suppliers or substitutes.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Does the Pentateuch tell a good story Essay Example

Does the Pentateuch tell a good story Essay The Pentateuch the first five books of the Old Testament seems to be fundamentally fragmented in form. Genesis tells of creation and of the early history of Israel up until preparations to leave Egypt, the next three books consider Israels drift through the desert and the laws formed on these travels, while Deuteronomy exists for the most part as a collection of laws and legislative poetry by Moses. Can such fragments make a good story? However, while the Pentateuch is both divided into five parts and appears to be fragmented in style and subject, the Pentateuch manages to show a unity in narrative1. What do we today understand by the term a good story? I would suggest that a clear beginning, middle and end are essential to hold onto narrative meaning and coherence as a story. The beginning must be powerful, must be able to address universal problems and questions and must both set the scene and introduce essential characters. The middle must intrigue, excite and be meaningful, while the end must seek to wrap up any questions or problems addressed and wrap up the narrative. I believe that to some degree, the Old Testament manages to do this. Genesis 1 is most definitely a powerful beginning. Surely nothing can be more grand and universal in scale that the very creation of the universe? Genesis also acts to introduce the main character of the Pentateuch, God, and His creation of man and the world. The first chapters of Genesis have to be seen to act as a universal framework for the way that we are to understand God, and indeed the world. But the story of creation must not be literally interpreted, or thought of as myth. The use of the word myth to describe this section of Genesis is frequently used, but can be misleading. We will write a custom essay sample on Does the Pentateuch tell a good story specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Does the Pentateuch tell a good story specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Does the Pentateuch tell a good story specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Myths are often based on fantasy and fiction, but the creation story must be seen as aiming to give a true portrayal of the world and of humanity in the world in relation to God. Genesis establishes Him as the fundamental base and character through which all is to be interpreted. Genesis aims to set the scene for the way in which we are to understand the relationship between man and God. The overarching theme is that even though mans disobedience seems to isolate him from God, darkness and potential death are turned around. It appears that, salvation is identical with creation. 2 The first story of this kind in Genesis is that of Adam and Eve. Their disobedience of God in search of the fruit of knowledge and hence the attempt to become gods themselves, is met with severe punishment through the Fall they are separated from paradise and are met with pain and suffering. God, however, dresses them in skins which shows that life with God is not totally broken. Similarly, the story of Noah and the Ark shows how the evil and disobedience of man is punished with obliteration. Yet still potential life with God can be seen through the relationship of God and Noah. Noahs obedience of Gods word saved him and his family. These two stories are stories of the human condition to disobey God and to act evilly. Each one, however, ends in a glimmer of hope that suggests life with God. This possible life with God is articulated in His relationship with Abraham which begins in Genesis 12. The relationship between God and Abraham shows the reader emphatically how God deals with the human condition described in Genesis 1-11. This relationship is the realisation of a new beginning with God at the helm, and although the relationship is with Abraham alone and therefore seems to narrow down the extent of Gods work, this relationship holds a universal importance. Gods covenant with Abraham (seen in Genesis 15) can be seen as turning the darkness of the evil of man into a true life with God. However, even though the central theme is that God is offering as the saviour of Israel, he tells of a dark and terrifying future; a future of slavery and oppression. Faith is therefore an integral part of the story of Abraham. This is best shown when God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. The sacrifice of Isaac, his only son from his wife Sarah, would surely lead to an awful and dark place in his life. God rewards Abrahams faith by sparing Isaacs life, but also Abraham is to be blessed with offspring, as numerous as the stars of heaven and by your offspring shall all the nations of the earth gain blessing for themselves 3 God shows universally that, if you obey God and have faith in His word, then you be blessed and find life with God. The story of Joseph is, however, the first great masterpiece of the Pentateuch. The point of the story is that Gods will is being articulated even though the individuals who are involved in it may not be entirely conscious of it. It appears to be the most coherent story met yet in the Pentateuch. Indeed, G. von Rad writes that, the stories about Joseph are clearly distinguished from those about Abraham and Jacob, and are a real connected narrative and not a compilation of many previously independent traditions. 4 Coherence, it seems, appears to be integral to unifying the narrative of the Pentateuch. The most powerful, dramatic and coherent story in the Pentateuch, however, must surely be Israels escape from Egypt with Moses a story that is also of utmost importance for the remaining parts of the Pentateuch. Exodus, the second book of the Pentateuch, essentially traces the escape from Egypt and Israels stay at Mount Sinai. We are shown very early on that this story will be central to both the Pentateuch and the Old Testament, as it is here that the real name of God, Yahweh, is revealed both in Exodus 3:15 and 6:2. Through Moses, God works to save Israel from the Egyptians, most notably by sending ten plagues on Egypt. Eight of these plagues affected agriculture in ancient times society depended heavily on agriculture to trade and to survive at all. Therefore, eight plagues affecting Egypts agriculture must not be passed over as insignificant, but instead taken to be as deadly serious. As the Israelites exit Egypt, the story becomes sincere and soft in tone shown in Exodus 12:42, that same night is a vigil to be kept for the Lord by all the Israelites throughout their generations, followed by directions of how to act on this Holy day. This quiet, however, is shattered by the hugely dramatic pillars of cloud and fire, by which God lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The almost physical form of God here emphasises God integral involvement in the present and future of Israel, and that Moses liberated the Israelites through the power of God. The crossing of the Red Sea shows the reader both the great power of God working through Moses, and God wrath for those who are disobedient all the pursuers are drowned, showing that all those who act against His people, those who reject the word of God, shall die and themselves be rejected from a life with God. This coherent narrative, and the following story of the Israelites stay at Mt. Sinai, makes an important impact on the story of the Pentateuch as a whole. Much of the rest of the book of Exodus is of a legislative nature, as is Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. However, as extensive areas of these books are of a legislative nature, can they really be said to make the Pentateuch a good story or in fact help to give a sense of overarching unity to the work as a whole? A narrative unity can be traced in the Pentateuch, although it is not at all times clear. Genesis acts as a prologue, while Exodus begins the story of Moses and the Israelites, but the story is broken with legislation surrounding the stay at Mt. Sinai. The Book of Leviticus acts to show what the Israelites must do for God, after showing them in Exodus what he had done for them in fact the instruction-like form of much of the scripture surrounding the stay at Mt. Sinai stretches from Exodus 19 Numbers 10; a significant body of work. One may ask how such interruptions to the narrative strengthen the Pentateuch as a story. It is important to understand that, aw lay at the foundation of Israels religion 5 Those who were disobedient to God in the past had been severely punished (Adam and Eve for example) and therefore Gods law became fundamental to Israels life and society. However, while there is definitely a narrative unity in the Pentateuch, it is often extremely thin and loosely scraped together. 6 Deuteronomy seems to be quite a separate collection of speeches all together. It is distinct in form, literary style and language and most scholars accept that Deuteronomy dates from the 7th century BCE obviously a far later work than Genesis through to Numbers. I am of the opinion that the collection of such obviously separate sources in Deuteronomy has resulted in a very uneven and inorganic whole. However, the Pentateuch does not exist without Deuteronomy, and the book does display narrative similarity with the previous books. For example, the Ten Commandments are restated in Deut 5 and Moses, the key figure in Israels history, both reminds Israel that God has cared for them, and himself acts as a symbol of Gods work. Deuteronomy can be seen as an expression of Gods basic will for Israels future, and ultimately acts as the culmination of the whole Pentateuch story. The book acts to emphasise that the Pentateuch has become the foundation story of Israel, a story that shapes and regulates Israel ever after, and a story that has become the canonical story of Israel. So what, if anything, is the unifying and underlying base of the Pentateuch as a story? Is there a thematic unity alongside the narrative? If the narrative exists as pearls on a necklace, is there a string upon which the narrative rests? Gods covenant could indeed be this theme, as it is an important feature of Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy. 7 One may also argue that Moses is the key theme. Although not present in Genesis, Gods word and action is articulated through Moses in Exodus-Deuteronomy. Scholars such as D. Clines argue that, The theme of the Pentateuch is the partial fulfilment of the promise to or blessing of the patriarchs 8 Clines thinks that this partial fulfilment can be seen in three stages: Genesis deals with the promise of descendants and great future generations, Exodus and Leviticus deal with promises surrounding the two way relationship between God and man, while Number and Deuteronomy deal with the promise of a land for Israel. The third stage is left unfulfilled at the end of the Pentateuch; the story is left seemingly incomplete. However, this can act to show modern readers that they are not simply looking back at the past, but that the Pentateuch is not a closed story it looks forward and therefore involves the modern reader in a story that regulated the life of Israel. Perhaps, also, the apparent failure of the Pentateuch to wrap up the loose ends must be viewed in the light of the New Testament? The Pentateuch could just be a signpost of that which is to come ultimately the Messianic prophesy. For example, the sacrifice of Christ can be seen as being prefigured by the near sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. If the Old Testament can be thought of as inconclusive and thought to require a sequel, then surely the New Testament is exactly this. God worked through Moses in the Old Testament; therefore, perhaps the embodiment of God in Christ in the New Testament can be seen to conclude perfectly the story that the Old Testament told. I would argue that the Pentateuch does tell a good story, and that it has both a narrative and thematic unity. Criticisers of the Pentateuch often make no attempt to ask, ow stories or literary complexes from originally discrete sources were to be read and understood when combined with one another 9 Negative evidence that suggests the disunity of the Pentateuch can be used constructively. It can show that consistent works can have their integrity destroyed by editorial attempts to mould them together. The Pentateuch, in the form that it exists today, can be seen as not only a collection of narrative sources, but also as a collection of theological concerns set against and integrated with one another, which together act in the past and the present to shape the life of Israel a life with God.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Guide to Business Letters Types

A Guide to Business Letters Types There are a number of types of business letters in the English language. Accomplished English speakers should be able to write the following types of business letters to be successful in business. Its helpful, to begin with, gaining a clear understanding of business letter writing basics. Once youve understood the basic layout styles, standard phrases, salutations, and endings, you should continue to improve your business letter writing skills by learning to write the following types of business letters. Do you know what type of business letter you need for a task? Making an Inquiry Make an inquiry when you are requesting more information about a product or service. The inquiry letter tends to include specific information such as product type, as well as asking for further details in the form of brochures, catalogs, telephone contact, etc. Making inquiries can also help you keep up with your competition. Use this letter template to ensure you receive a prompt reply. Sales Letters Sales Letters are used to introduce new products to new customers and past clients. Its important to outline an important problem that needs to be solved and provide the solution in sales letters. This example letter provides an outline, as well as important phrases to use when sending out a wide variety of sales letters. Sales letters can be improved through the use of personalization in some means in order to ensure attention. Replying to an Inquiry Replying to inquiries are one of the most important business letters that you write. Successfully replying to an inquiry can help you complete a sale or lead to new sales. Customers who make inquiries are interested in specific information  and are excellent business prospects. Learn how to thank the customers, provide as much information as possible, as well as make a call to action for a positive outcome. Account Terms and Conditions When a new customer opens an account it is essential to inform them of account terms and conditions. If you run a small business, it is common to provide these terms and conditions in the form of a letter. This guide provides a clear example on which you can base your own business letters providing account terms and conditions. Letters of Acknowledgment For legal purposes, letters of acknowledgment are often requested. These letters are also referred to as letters of receipt and tend to be rather formal and short. These two examples letters will provide you with a template to use in your own work and can be easily adapted for a number of purposes. Placing an Order As a business person, you will often place an order. This is especially true if you have a large supply chain for your product. This example business letter provides an outline to make sure your order placement is clear so that you receive exactly what you order. Making a Claim Unfortunately, from time to time it is necessary to make a claim against unsatisfactory work. This example business letter provides a strong example of a claim letter and includes important phrases to express your dissatisfaction and future expectations when making a claim. Adjusting a Claim Even the best business may make a mistake from time to time. In this case, you may be called upon to adjust a claim. This type of business letter provides an example to send to unsatisfied customers making sure that you address their specific concerns, as well as retain them as future customers. Cover Letters Cover letters are extremely important when applying for a new position. Cover letters should include a short introduction, highlight the most important information in your resume and elicit a positive response from your prospective employer. These two examples of cover letters are part of a larger section on the site providing all the information you will need on taking an interview in English during your job search.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically evaluate project plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Critically evaluate project plan - Essay Example The human resources and material required for these projects should be examined and managed in a way that is efficient and responsible. However, in going about the challenges that come up from handling the projects that are complex in the organizations that are temporary and multifaceted with a mix of individuals and experts, the sector of construction needs professional architects and engineers with social, technical and managerial expertise and competencies. With focus on the management in the built environment and sector of construction, this project is going to involve the management of infrastructure and space. This paper is going to lay down a plan for the new development for the David Construction in dwelling construction. ... A proper planning of project means identification, early and constantly, the exact tasks that should be accomplished; with considerations of the resources in terms of funds, available time, facilities and personnel. This has an implication that where more than an individual is required, there is assigning of specific responsibilities to the people by their names. The individuals have to dedicate themselves to completing the tasks within the stipulated time frame. In the project, no duplication of effort is allowed. There must be recognition of the interfaces between tasks and the duty or responsibility of dealing with the assigned differences. Nonetheless, beyond the duty of the performance of their individual specific works, all the engineers on the project team should take the credit for the success of the entire project (BARTOL and MARTIN, 2003). A good engineering work that is party to a failed project is wasted. It is clear from experience that: An excellent technical activity i s usually masked and even annulled by improper administrative control. An excellent technical activity cannot actually by itself be able to manage a project, and also a project cannot manage itself. Therefore, it is the duty of the engineers to purposely manage their projects. As the project work is ongoing, there must be changes in the schedules and plans. Most engineers wrongly have the belief that it is not possible for technical work to be controlled. This in itself actually becomes self-fulfilling prediction. It is a demand and expectation of management that technical gets effective administration and control. The control of project is ensuring that the technical goals of a project are accomplished within the set time and